USA Government Tax Credit & Incentive Calculator

Welcome to the calculator. Simply fill in the information in the boxes below and follow the process.

  1. Organizations with employees or property qualify. More employees or properties mean more benefits.
  2. The Free Calculator only shows a small subset of credits and incentives as its designed to check eligibility and spark interest, not provide exhaustive results.
  3. Access the Full List of 100s of Federal, State, and Local credits and incentives by Registering and Login at the end of the free calculator process.
  4. No need for precise and formal information in the calculator—save that for the main program!
  5. Experts can help you get setup and answer all your questions.
  6. With a 100% success rate, what’s approved you will receive.
  7. To get started, simply fill in the information in the boxes below and follow the process.
  8. Need help, want to know more? Click this link to go to our Contact Us page where you can call us, fill in a form, or schedule a meeting on our calendar.